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Turning the Pages....

I love quotes. Actually, I just love words, but especially quotes and song lyrics. Many profound statements have been made through them. Most people listen to songs and repeat the words without even knowing what they are saying. I prefer to listen and meditate on the words. It produces an emotional reaction, evokes a memory, and creates a sense of connection to a similar event or time in your life. That is a very powerful experience. With that said, I'm not sure who Taryn Malik is, but he/she said it correctly. Turning the page is the best feeling in the world.

We have been stuck in "infertility mode" for 6 years. This past year has been a whirlwind, but we turned the page in July of 2015. It felt good to let go of the stress and worrying if we were ever going to have more children. When we had our initial appointment in Tennessee in April, we turned another page. The "This is actually going to happen" page. It was a scary, exciting, emotion filled event. Now, another page is turning.

I think I will call this chapter, "Its Really, Really, Really Happening." I received this package in the mail today. These are the medications I will have to take for the next 3 months. Pills and shots galore. These medications are to prepare my body for the embryo transfer, which will hopefully happen in September. Reality has hit yet again. It seems like it has taken us forever to get to this point. But now that we are in the midst, it is flying by so quickly. It brings me to tears that we may possibly be HOLDING our baby this time next year.

As we are turning this page, we still have several things to do, besides injecting medications and popping pills. We have to go through an online seminar series about embryo adoption, we have to choose our embryos, I still have about 10-12 lbs to lose, and we have to raise more funds. That is a lot of stuff to do in 3 short months. The most concerning is the financial part. We have considered several new fundraising options, but nothing has come to any form of finality. We need to raise approximately $2500 more to have our financial part cleared.

We know God will provide, but, I'm kind of squirming in my chair wondering how it will happen. If you have any fundraiser ideas or opportunities to make money, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We appreciate all of the prayers and support that we have received throughout this process. We are amazingly blessed with such an amazing family and wonderful friends. We thank God for you all daily.

I will leave you with this song. "There is Hope" by the Victorious Valley Girls

It has to be one of my favorite songs, ever. The lyrics to this song are very simple, but very powerful. In a time of hurt, pain, worry, or sorrow, there is hope. I hope it will be a source of encouragement for you today. Especially if you are going through a trial. Jesus is our hope and he is always there.

Please like and share this blog post with your friends. It has become my prayer , that if anyone is going through an infertility journey, they would see this blog and be encouraged. Thanks for reading!


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