Back in Time
First off, let me give an update on our yard sale! We had an awesome turn out! For a rainy Friday and an overcast and cool Saturday, we were impressed! We were able to raise over $700! AMAZING! We now have our goal for the home study and will be setting that up soon. Thanks again to all who helped, donated, or bought stuff! It was a blessing to us!
I was trying to decide what to write about this week. Coming up with blog topics is really not that easy, especially if you have a themed blog. Oh, well. It's my blog and I'll do what I want. ;) As we finished our yard sale and we saw how much God had blessed our efforts, I thought about how much God has blessed us in the past. I can look back over our marriage and see God working. It’s a wonderful feeling.
I thought I'd share a few key moments in our lives that God really tested our faith and we saw how mighty He is.
One that really stands out is Leah. We had been married for two years, trying for a baby for two years, beginning of the fertility treatments for about a year. We were both exhausted. Sometimes I would just tell Bryan that if he wanted to divorce me, I understood. I couldn't give him what he wanted, which was children. After many reassurances of his faithfulness, I realized how much he loved me and he would never leave me. After physically and emotionally giving up, I got a positive pregnancy test. We were elated. God gave us our desire. No medication, no fertility treatments, just the natural way.
2009 was an exhausting year. Earlier in the year, Bryan had been laid off from his job but God gave him another by the end of the day. Literally, he was let go in the morning, and by that afternoon he had another job. Coincidence? Nope. Later in April we had Leah, two weeks after that I graduated from Valdosta State, and about 2 weeks after that Bryan was laid off for a second time.
We had Leah, student loan debt, credit card debt, a mortgage, and lots of tears. This time, though, we would be tested a little longer than a day. We had no money. Bryan's unemployment covered the mortgage, and that was all. We moved back to Iron City with my parents. Bryan searched diligently for a job there to no avail. Four months passed. We had to turn the power off at our home in Valdosta and put a for sale sign in the yard. Our lives were crumbling.
That was one of the most trying times in our marriage. Our parents’ helped tremendously, but to go from being independent to living under your parents’ roof again, is always hard, especially under the circumstances. Bryan's brother, Richard, lived in Columbus and by God's grace, got him a job at his company. So, we had an infant, still had a mortgage on a house we couldn't live in, we were living in Iron City, but Bryans job was in Columbus. Talk about stretched. But God worked it out. Within a matter of another 3 months, God sold our home in Valdosta; I traveled back and forth to Columbus to see Bryan while he lived with his brother and their family. When our home sold we were able to officially move to Columbus to an apartment.
Now, we are close to his family and Leah has had the opportunity to grow up with her cousins. I have no doubt, looking back, that being here (in Columbus) was Gods perfect will. Through our struggle with infertility, Leah has had cousins to spend time with that have become more like siblings. And I am so thankful for that.
During that time, we also grew spiritually. I learned what it meant to be a good wife and mother. We learned how to serve God, fully. We learned how to have faith. This was most important.
About 2 years ago in December, we went through another lay off. Leah was scheduled to have eye surgery two weeks after his lay off. We couldn’t afford the deductible. The people of our church prayed for us, gave money, time, and love for us. That month alone, we received over $5000 from various places. Later in January Bryan got another job, but through the lay off, God sustained us.
I look back and see that many of our struggles involve money. One thing we learned early on is that tithing is the key to having financial success. We never stopped giving during those times. And God supplied. Sometimes it was just enough but other times it was abundant. He always provides for his children. I'm so glad I'm a part of His family.
God is good. All the time.