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I Wonder...

"Never be afraid to trust an unkown future to a known God" -Corrie Ten Boom

That is a hard pill to swallow. I've been reflecting on our decision to adopt a lot lately. All of the phone calls and paperwork have a way of distracting from the end goal. Our baby. I asked Leah if she wanted a brother or a sister. She said " I want two brothers and one sister." Bless her. I pray that we are able to have that many children, eventually. I just wonder what God has in our future.

What will our baby look like? Will it be a boy or a girl? Will he/she have dark hair, light hair, straigh hair, curly hair, or no hair at all? Will he/she have deep brown eyes or bright sky blue eyes or somewhere in between? Will he/she have chunky wonderful thigh rolls like Leah had? Will he/she be a sweet baby or a crying baby? Will he/she have any health problems? WIll he/she know that we love him/her? Will our baby know how much he/she was wanted despite the curcumstances?

Bryan has asked me multiple times, "What if we get pregnant in the middle of all of this?" GLORY to GOD! That's what I say. That would be a miracle. A blessed miracle. But it does not waiver our decision to adopt. We will put the adoption plans on hold to be continued at a later time. Thinking about all of this makes me anxious.

I have to remind myself daily of this scripure.

I've had many questions regarding our adoption. So, with that, I'll clarify some things. The only thing that we know for certain is that we are adopting. We have tentatively chosen an agency in Columbus called Bethany Christian Services. That is where we will begin our paperwork, etc. However, if the Lord puts a foster/adoptiion situation or a private adoption situation in our path, we will likely take that road instead. Just know that all of the funds we are raising will go to the adoption fees (wherever that may be). If there are any leftovers, it will be used to purchase baby items. The initial application fee for Bethany is $600. We have to have that before we even sumbit an application. This amount is our first goal.

I want to make something clear. I don't want it to seem as though we are begging for money. We are not. We feel that God has laid it on our heart to take this path. However, we do not have $25,000. We have stepped out on faith that God would provide. Bryan is working extra hours, I am working part time from home, we are consigning things, selling stuff on Craigslist, and saving every extra penny. These fundraisers are to supplement what we are already doing. We appreciate the love and prayers of our family and friends. Please, don't feel obligated to donate anything. Just know that, if you do donate in any way, you had a part in bringing our baby home! And for that we are grateful!

I have been approached about starting a "You Caring" (similar to "Go Fund Me" ) account for those that would like to just donate monitarily. You can do that here,

The yard sale in Donalsonville has been scheduled for August 28-29. It will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene. If you would like to help organize and set up, I will give those details closer to the date. If you would like to donate items please contact my mom, Linda (229-220-8881). She will give you details on where and when to drop off.

I'm still working on the sale in Columbus. The details are not as clear. It will probably be in September, so if you're local, start saving your stuff!

I want to thank all of you that have contacted me wanting to help. It really means a lot to our family that we have such an awesome support group! We love you all! If you have any questions or concerns, please email me or send me a message on Facebook. I will gladly reply.

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